Neighborhood Clean-up Container
Residents needing assistance to bring their property into compliance with property maintenance standards may apply to use the Neighborhood Clean-up Container to dispose of debris / solid waste on their property.
New Trial and Appellate Process
If you are not satisfied with your judgment or verdict you have the right to appeal your case.
North Beach TIRZ 4
Find information on the North Beach Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Number 4.
Parks & Recreation
The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department staff encourages everyone to live, learn, and play.
Paying Your Fines and Fees
Unless you are pleading “not guilty”, you must enter a plea of no contest or guilty to pay your fine and court costs.
Payments, Fines, and Court Costs
For your convenience, the City of Corpus Christi Municipal Court is now offering online payment processing for fines, such as traffic violations.