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Development Services provides staff support for the following boards and commissions:

  • Planning Commission
  • Zoning Board of Adjustment
  • Historic Landmark Commission
  • Plumbing and Mechanical Committee
  • Electrical Advisory Committee
  • Building Code Board of Appeals 


Planning Commission

The organization, powers, and duties of the Planning Commission are established in the City Charter. The Planning Commission consists of nine registered voters of the city who are appointed by the City Council for staggered terms of three years. The chairperson is elected from among the membership.

The Planning Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council. It reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding:

  • The adoption and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan or any element or portion thereof, or amendment thereto;
  • proposals to adopt or amend land development regulations for the purpose of establishing consistency with the Comprehensive Plan;
  • forwarding to City Council comprehensive updates to the plan every five years;
  • zoning or requests for zoning changes in a manner to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan;
  • and the City's annual budget.

The Commission also exercises control over platting and subdividing land within the corporate limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city in a manner to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan.

Agenda »



For additional information, contact the Zoning Division of the Development Services Department at (361) 826-3240.

The Board of Adjustment is comprised of five members and two alternates appointed by the City Council. The Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, First Floor of City Hall, unless otherwise noticed.  

  1. To hear and decide an appeal where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance; provided, however, no appeal shall be allowed unless the appeal is filed within thirty (30) days of the date the order, requirement, decision or determination is made by the administrative official
  2. To hear and decide special use exceptions
  3. To authorize upon appeal in specific cases variance from the terms of the zoning provisions of the Unified Development Code if the variance will not be contrary to the public interest, and, due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the zoning ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done

The Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board that has its powers conferred by Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and Article 2.4 of the Corpus Christi Unified Development Code.  The Board of Adjustment shall take final action of the following development review procedures:

In exercising its powers, the Board may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify an order, requirement, decision, or determination appealed from and may make the correct order, requirement, decision, or determination that should be made; and for that purpose the Board shall have all the powers of the administrative official whose order, etc. is the subject of the appeal.

Application for an Appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment »

Agenda »



For additional information, contact the Zoning Division of the Development Services Department at (361) 826-3240.

Meetings Dates: Every 4th Thursday of the Month

Agenda »

Application (Change of Zoning) »