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Gang Unit
Captain: Donald Moore
Office: (361) 826-4072
Cell: (361) 548-8762

The Corpus Christi Police Department Gang Unit (formerly called JET) has been in existence since April of 1992, when it was initially formed to combat the sudden rise of violent crime committed by a burgeoning number of local criminal street gangs. The unit, which began with four officers, currently consists of eight (8) officers, one Lieutenant, and one Captain. The primary mission for the Gang Unit is the suppression of violent street and prison gangs. 

Ten of the Unit's Officers work in full uniform and concentrate on street level enforcement and intelligence gathering activities. One Officer is assigned to the FBI Safe Streets Violent Gangs Task Force, which targets high-level drug trafficking and other organized crime committed by street and prison gangs. Two Officers are assigned to the Save Our Streets Program and are tasked with investigating gang members and convicted felons in illegal possession of firearms. Lastly, four Officers are assigned as Detectives and are responsible for conducting follow-up investigations related to any gang-related crime. The Gang Unit is also responsible for maintaining the Department’s Gang Database. Notices and alerts are constantly released to Corpus Christi Police Department Officers and surrounding law enforcement agencies regarding wanted gang members, crime trends, and other gang-related intelligence.

Gang Officers unit take tremendous pride in the part they play to help make our city safer. The Officers look forward to continued success as they continue to strengthen the local, state, and federal partnerships that will both reduce gang crime and the fear of gang crime in our community.