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The Family Violence unit investigates cases where the alleged perpetrator is either a family member or an acquaintance. The caseload consists of misdemeanor assaults, felony aggravated assaults, sexual assaults involving both children and adults, crimes against the elderly, and kidnapping / aggravated kidnapping of children. The Family Violence Unit works closely with various outside agencies including Child Protective Services, Driscoll Children's Hospital, Texas Department of Public Safety, The Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office, The Nueces County Children's Advocacy Center and area law enforcement agencies.

The Family Violence unit investigates cases where the alleged perpetrator is either a family member or an acquaintance. The caseload consists of misdemeanor assaults, felony aggravated assaults, sexual assaults involving both children and adults and crimes against the elderly and kidnapping / aggravated kidnapping of children. The Family Violence Unit works closely with various outside agencies including Child Protective Services, Driscoll Children's Hospital, Texas Department of Public Safety, The Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office, The Nueces County Children's Advocacy Center and area law enforcement agencies.

When detectives are assigned cases it is their responsibility to gather information regarding the crime to develop a criminal case for prosecution. During an investigation the detectives refer victim's to the victim advocate. The victim's advocate helps the victim with family protective orders and crime victim's compensation. Once the case has been investigated and all the outside agencies have completed their assessment of the case it is presented to the Nueces County District Attorney's Office. The district attorney's office determines if there is enough evidence to prosecute the case. Once the district attorney's office accepts the case the detective's field work is complete. Detectives frequently appear in court to testify as a witness on the victim's behalf. The Family Violence Unit was created in 1999 and is modeled after the El Paso Family Violence Unit. It was created to assist special victims who require a more specialized approach to policing.

For more information about Family Violence, call (361) 886-2670.

Family Violence Victim Advocates:

      Nerisa Zavala
      Phone: (361) 826-2952

      Bertha Aguas
      Phone: (361) 826-2981

      Priscilla Ramirez
      Phone: (361) 886-2851

      Shaunusty Moten
      Phone: (361) 886-2674


Victim Assistance Program

The CCPD Victim Assistance Program was established within the Corpus Christi Police Department’s Family Violence Unit in January 2001. Its purpose is two-fold: to provide services to victims of crime in the Corpus Christi area and to educate the community and law enforcement personnel on domestic violence and other victimization issues.

Criminal Justice Support/Advocacy: Victims receive support, assistance, and advocacy at any stage of the criminal justice process. Services include assistance in filing criminal charges, information on case status throughout the judicial process, and post-sentencing services and support.

Crisis Counseling: The advocates provide in-person crisis intervention, emotional support, and peer counseling and guidance. Such counseling may occur at the scene of the crime, immediately after the crime, or may be provided on an ongoing basis.

Legal Advocacy: Victims receive information and assistance in filing magistrate orders of emergency protection, injunctions, peace bonds, and protective orders. Advocates assist victims in securing these court orders from various agencies.

Information and Referrals: The Advocacy Section serves as an information source for victims and makes referrals to other local agencies and organizations as needed.

Assistance with Crime Victims’ Compensation Claims: Advocates are responsible for making victims aware of the availability of crime victims’ compensation, assisting the victim in completing the required forms, and gathering the needed documentation. The advocates also serve as liaisons between the victim and the compensation agency.

Education and Training: We provide community education presentations to local groups on victims’ rights, domestic violence, sexual assault, and crime prevention. The advocates also train law enforcement personnel on effective strategies for dealing with victims, domestic violence, and other victimization issues.


Programa de Asistencia Para Víctimas (Spanish)

La Sección de Asistencia para Víctimas fue establecida en Enero del año 2001 dentro de la Unidad de Violencia Familiar en el Departamento de Policía de Corpus Christi. Este tíene dos objetivos: dar servicios a las víctimas de crimen en el area de Corpus Christi y educar a la comunidad y al personal que aplica la ley sobre violencia doméstica y otras cuestiones de víctimas.

Apoyo en el Proceso de Justicia Criminal: Las víctimas reciben apoyo y asistencia en cualquier etapa del proceso de justicia criminal. Los servicios incluyen la ayuda en registrar cargos criminales, información sobre el estado del caso en todas partes del proceso judicial, y después de la sentencia servicios y apoyo.

Información y Referencias: Sirvimos como una fuente de información para víctimas y hacemos referencias a otras agencias locales y organizaciones como sea necesario.

Educación y Entrenamiento: Proporcionamos presentaciones para educar a la comunidad y grupos locales sobre los derechos de las víctimas, la violencia doméstica, el asalto sexual, y la prevención de crimen. Ofrecemos entrenamiento a oficiales de la ley y el personal que ayuda aplicar la ley, sobre estrategias eficaces para tratar con víctimas, violencia doméstica, y otros temas relaciónados con víctimas.

Consejos a Victimas en Crisis: Proporcionamos intervención, apoyo, asesoramiento, y dirección en situaciones de crisis. Tal asesoramiento puede ocurrir en la escena del crimen, inmediatamente después del crimen, o puede proporcionarse contunuamente.

Reclamacion de Compensacion A Las Víctimas Del Crimen: Ofrecemos información sobre la disponibilidad de Compensación a las Víctimas del Crimen, asistiendo a la víctima en el llenado de formas requeridas, y la reunión de la documentación necesaria. Sirvimos como enlaces entre la víctima y la agencia de compensación.

Asistencia en el Proceso Legal: Las víctimas reciben información y ayuda en registrar órdenes de magistrado de emergencia, requerimiento judicial, bono de paz, y órdenes de proteccion . Los servicios incluyen ayudar a víctimas en el aseguramiento de estas ordenes judiciales de varias agencias.