The City of Corpus Christi uses Winter Quarter Averaging (WQA) to determine wastewater charges for individual residential customer accounts.
Here is what you need to know:
- Wastewater from your home into the sewer system is not metered
- Winter Quarter Averaging takes an average of your water use in the winter months to help determine how much wastewater is going into the sewer system from your home
- Three consecutive billing cycles between December 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 are used for the average because water use this time of year is at its lowest in most homes. (For example, yards are not as frequently irrigated and pools are not being refilled as often during the winter months)
- Using less water during this time can help lower your individual wastewater charges
- Once calculated, monthly wastewater charges are fixed for a year, and will appear on your utility bill starting June 2024
To determine your three consecutive billing cycles, look at your utility bill. Under Service
Information and Invoice Number, you will see Cycle followed by a number.
Look at the table below. Find your Cycle number. The date range to the right is the period your Winter Quarter Average will be calculated. Using less water during this period can help lower wastewater winter quarter average charges.
Utility Bill Cycle and WQA Average Period (PDF) »
For more information on your utility bill and Winter Quarter Averaging, please dial 311.