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By City Ordinance, the property owner is responsible for sidewalk maintenance. Occasionally small stretches of sidewalk are repaired or replaced as part of a street project. Projects such as street mill & overlay, street reconstruction, widening or extending can result in some sidewalk replacement. For the most part, though, the City does not repair or maintain sidewalks.

Curbs & gutters are also maintained by the property owner. Keeping them clear of dirt, grass and debris helps the flow of storm water runoff, and helps to preserve street pavement.  Small stretches of curb & gutter may be repaired by the City, but funds are very limited and there is quite a bit of backlog for the requested repairs. Street Operations uses both its own staff and a contractor to do the small curb & gutter repairs when they are not part of a street project managed by the Engineering Services Department. 


Sidewalk repairs are the responsibility of the property owner.

To request repair of a curb and gutter, call the Customer Call Center at 311.  A work order will be created if one does not already exist.