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NEW - Local programs and activities are now offered virtually!

Library Virtual Programs »


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Boundless» (Last day of service July 31st.)


Audio Books Icon eAudioBooks

Borrow eAudiobooks with your Library Card.

Boundless» (Last day of service July 31st.)


e-Magazine Icon eMagazines and eNewspapers

Borrow eMagazines and eNewspapers with your library card.


Proquest(Archival Access) -Includes Corpus Christi Caller-Times


CC Public Libraries Icon Special Interests

    The Birds of North America Online »

General Reference Resources Senior Resources »
    Senior Care in Texas Resources »
    Corpus Christi Area Resources »
    Data Axel (also known as Reference USA) »

Information on Books and Authors
    New Book Alerts »
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Job Help and Tutorials
    Job and Career Accelerator » 
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Learn a Language
    Transparent Language Online » 

Investment Research
    Morningstar Investment Research Center

Websites for Kids
    KEDT Learning Media platform
    PBS Kids »
    National Geographic Kids »
    Starfall »
    Storyline Online
    Storytime Anytime
    Miss Humblebee's Academy


CC Public Libraries Icon TexShare

Corpus Christi Public Libraries is a Texshare member. You can obtain your TexShare Login ID and password from your local library staff.

TexShare Login »

Whether you are looking for research materials, tutorials, or entertainment, TexShare has a wide range of databases to search, including the following:


City of Corpus Christi Logo

City of Corpus Christi
General Information 


Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage
Reducing Damage from Localized Flooding
FEMA Flood Map Service Center
Above the Flood: Elevating Your Floodprone House
Answers to Questions About the National Flood Insurance Program
Coastal Construction Manual
Elevated Residential Structures
Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards


Requirements for Flood Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures
Nueces County Texas Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Action Plan
Wet Floodproofing Requirements and Limitations
Elevator Installation for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program
FEMA Map Service Center- Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)