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A new website is coming in October 2024!

Loose and stray animals are picked up during sweeps or in response to citizen complaints. These animals are impounded at the Animal Care facility located at 2626 Holly Rd. If you notice that your four legged family member is missing, we suggest the following steps:

  1. Go to the Animal Care Services facility. Please note that descriptions are difficult to communicate over the phone and it is best for you to identify your pet. 
  2. Bring a current photo and/or description of your animal with you.
  3. Contact your letter carrier for assistance. They are in your neighborhood daily and are a great source of information. 
  4. Contact the LOST PET HOTLINE at (361) 882-7387


Charges for Impoundment

       $30   Unregistered/registered animal

       $30   Livestock

       $30   Second and subsequent impoundment within 12 months

                List of all Animal Care Services Fees »