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PLAN CC, Corpus Christi's adopted Comprehensive Plan, creates a 20-year policy and strategic framework for the entire city. The planning process was guided by an overall vision that embodies the unique character, culture, and heritage of Corpus Christi.

The plan sets goals, policies, strategies, and implementation actions, all designed to make the vision a reality for our future. The plan framework will guide more detailed area plans and specific plans.
Throughout the Plan CC process, members of the Corpus Christi community contributed to discussions that defined our goals and values; learned about the opportunities and challenges we face; and weighed in on choices for the city’s future, including an analysis of their costs and benefits.

State law and the City Charter require Comprehensive Plans to be approved and adopted as ordinances by the City Council. After adoption, future city improvements, ordinances and regulations approved by City Council must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Click Here to View the Full PLAN CC Document »

