How do I get a library card?
Library cards are free to those residing within the city limits of Corpus Christi. Those who reside outside of Corpus Christi can also get a library card for a yearly fee of $25 or for 6 months at $12.50. A person of any age may apply for a library card. You can download a library card application for Youth and Adults in Enliglish or Español. You must present photo identification with current residency.
Can my child get a library card?
Yes, your children can get a library card with the parent or guardian present with ID and documentation.
How can I renew a library card?
Library cards expire yearly. If your card is expired, simply visit any branch for a free renewal. We'll update your contact information so please bring photo identification and verification of residency.
How do I replace a lost or stolen card?
It's the patron's responsibility to report lost or stolen cards. You can do this at any branch. We can issue a new card with a different number once you provide photo identification and verify current residency.
What can I do with my library card?
Borrowing books is just one of the things you can do with a library card. You can download and listen to audiobooks on your home computer or device through CloudLibrary. You can access the TexShare Databases, an invaluable collection of research tools. Your library card number also allows you access to our public computers.
How many items can I borrow at once?
We have the following limits on items:
- Unlimited books, digital: books, audiobooks, and magazines
- 25 New Books
- 25 Books on CD
- 25 CD's
- 5 Print magazines (current issues excluded)
- 5 New DVDs and/or Blu-rays
How do I borrow an item?
Simply take the items you wish to borrow to the circulation desk and present your library card. You will receive a receipt with the due date for your records. You can also request due date receipts by email or by phone. You can customize your due dates by logging into your library account through our Online Catalog with your library card number and PIN.
How do I hold an item?
Log in to your library account through our Online Catalog and request items to be held. You can also request a specific pickup location. Any library can hold an item, but it is always best to place the hold at the library where the item is located. Items are held for 7 days before being returned to the shelves.
How do I transfer an item?
The library with the item has to be notified to transfer the item. Your local library can call and arrange this, or you can make the call yourself. A transferred item will arrive in 2- 3 days at the requested library.
Can I get an item that the library doesn't have in the their system?
Corpus Chrsiti Public Libraries offers InterLibrary Loan Service and can request items from libraries across the nation. The timeframes and chances of success in borrowing an item from another library system depend on the number of copies available, the location of the libraries, and the discretion of the lending system. There is a $2.75 fee for this service as well as any additional fees by the lending library.
How do I renew an item?
Items on your account will automatically renew on their due dates up to a maximum of four (4), 14-day periods. Exceptions: Items on Hold and Flour Bluff books will not be renewed. To check due dates, you may access your account at, or call any of our six locations.
How do I return an item?
You can return an item in person or via the book drop located outside each branch library. An item can be returned to any library, and an item returned in the book drop after hours will be considered returned on that day and will be processed the next morning. (Book drops are maintained as a convenience for the patron and the patron remains liable for all materials deposited in book drops until such items are checked in by library staff. The library cannot guarantee the security of items deposited in book drops and will not waive charges on items claimed to have been stolen from book drops.)