Public Meeting for the Residential Street Rebuild Project - District 1
November 4th, 5:30pm
Public Notice is hereby given that the City of Corpus Christi is hosting a Public Meeting for the Residential Street Rebuild Project.
Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting
November 5th, 10:30am
There will be a Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting on November 05, 2019 at 10:30 am.
Public Meeting for the Residential Street Rebuild Project - District 4 & 5
November 7th, 5:30pm
Public Notice is hereby given that the City of Corpus Christi is hosting a Public Meeting for the Residential Street Rebuild Project. The District 4 and 5 public meeting will be held Thursday, November 7, 2019, at 5:30 pm.
Kings Lake Public Hearing
November 19th, 11:30am
The City Council of the City of Corpus Christi will hold a public hearing on a proposed annexation of land generally located south of FM 43, west of Oso Creek, east of CR 43, and north of CR 20A encompassing approximately 282 acres.
Kings Landing Public Hearing
November 19th, 11:30am
The City Council of the City of Corpus Christi will hold a public hearing on a proposed annexation of land generally located north of FM 43, south of Oso Creek, east of FM 763, and west of CR 33 encompassing approximately 447 acres.
North Beach ECO Park Design Workshop
November 21st, 3:00pm
The North Beach ECO Park Design Workshop will be held Thursday, November 21, from 3-6 pm at the Texas State Aquarium, Flint Hills Resource Center located at 2701 North Shoreline Blvd. in Corpus Christi.
North Beach ECO Park Design Workshop (Results)
November 22nd, 6:00pm
See results and provide feedback at the North Beach ECO Park Design Workshop, to be held on Friday, November 22, 6-8 pm at the Texas State Aquarium, Flint Hills Resource Center located at 2701 North Shoreline Blvd. in Corpus Christi.