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Project Overview »
A large technical drawing showing the project scope.

Project Sections »
Technical drawings showing typical sections.



Project Consultant Architect:         Dylan Klare, P.E., LJA Engineering

Project Contractor:                          LJA Engineering

City Project Manager:                      Dazhi Sun, Ph.D., P.E.

Construction Inspector:                 Geoff Mayer (361) 446-3015

Anticipated Award Date:                 December 2023             

Anticipated Construction Start:     August 2024       

Anticipated Completion:                 August 2027       

Total Project Value:                          $22.25 Million (90% OPCC)


Additional Notes/Details:

  • The recommended street section for this project includes a 130’ ROW, four 12’ travel lanes, a grassed median with a typical width of 16’, and a combination 5’ sidewalk and 6’ cycle track.  
  • Storm water improvements include replacing the existing roadside ditches with a new underground storm water collection system. The proposed storm water collection system includes concrete curb and gutters, curb inlets, reinforced concrete pipe or box culvert trunk mains, and reinforced concrete pipe laterals.
  • Water infrastructure improvements are proposed within the project area to connect the existing 12” waterlines on the north and south sides of the road. Existing fire hydrants within the project area are proposed to be removed, salvaged, and replaced with new fire hydrants located near the back of curb, unless utility conflicts are present.
  • Wastewater infrastructure improvements proposed within the project area include the installation of a 10” PVC gravity main on the north side of Yorktown Boulevard and a 12” PVC gravity main crossing Yorktown that will provide a connection point for future development south of Yorktown Boulevard, in accordance with the City Wastewater Collection System Master Plan.
  • Gas improvements include the installation of a new 8” HDPE gas main the length of the project with 4’ of cover.
  • I.T. infrastructure improvements include the installation of 2” conduit and pull boxes along Yorktown Boulevard from Geiger Drive to the Oso Creek Bridge and installation of 2” conduit across the Oso Creek Bridge.
  • Street lighting improvements include installation of 2” conduit, pull boxes, and LED lighting in the median or along both sides of Yorktown Boulevard within the project area, depending on the median width.