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Project Overview (Project #18041A) »
A large technical drawing showing the scope of the rebuild.

Project Location (Black and White) » 

Project Location (Aerial View) » 



Project Consultant Architect: 
Hanson Professional Services Inc. 

Bay Ltd.  

City Project Manager:
Mai-Theresa Bernal, P.E.

Construction Inspector:
Brian Skinner (361) 660-5052

Anticipated Award Date: 
November 2020

Anticipated Construction Start: 
February 2021  

Anticipated Completion: 
November 2023

Total Project Value: 
$13.4 M


Additional Notes/Details: 

  • Seven RTA bus stops and one RTA bus pull-in will be reconstructed, each receiving a new concrete shelter pad  

  • Upgraded traffic signalization at three intersections of Baldwin Boulevard\18th Street, Louisiana Avenue\Kosar Street and Annapolis Drive\Texas Avenue  

  • Significant stormwater improvements including installing new box culverts, new curb inlets, new manholes and new laterals along the entire project length  

  • Significant wastewater improvements consisting of rehabilitating and replacing existing clay pipe with stronger plastic pipes and replacing legacy brick and concrete manholes with more resistant fiberglass material  

  • Water improvements include replacing aged cast iron pipe and old asbestos cement pipe with modern plastic pipes. Fire hydrants are replaced as necessary.  

  • Aged gas lines will be replaced to provide a service life matching that of the reconstructed roadway.