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Complete PROJECT COMPLETE - The Engineering Services and Public Works Departments are excited to announce the completion of the Bond 2014 Rodd Field Road Project from Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard. Read the full news release » 


This Bond 2014 project from Yorktown Boulevard to Saratoga Boulevard consists of full-depth reconstruction to expand the roadway from 2-lanes to 4-lanes with a 30 foot center median and designated left hand turns at intersections.  The new roadway will include four 11 foot travel lanes, 12 foot wide left turn lanes, new RTA bus stops and signage and markings.  The project also includes underground utility improvements and new 5 foot sidewalks with 6 foot adjacent cycle tracks and ADA compliant ramps on both sides of the road.

The project currently includes improvement plans to expand and signalize the intersection at Yorktown Boulevard and Rodd Field Road pending available funding.