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Complete PROJECT COMPLETE Engineering Services is excited to announce the completion of this project. 


Elevated Water Storage Tanks (ESTs) are drinking water storage tanks that are raised in the air. ESTs are important because the height creates pressure that assists in distributing water by gravity to homes and businesses.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires that every city meet minimum water storage requirements. The City of Corpus Christi is working to ensure all requirements are met by expanding our elevated water storage capacity. Through a phased multi-year effort, the city will bring online four new ESTs with 7.5 million gallons of storage.

This improved storage capacity, combined with the new heights and two new pump station generators, will place the City’s distribution system in compliance with TCEQ’s Alternative Capacity Requirement (ACR).

Holly and Rand Morgan ESTs are expected to go online this year. Construction of Flour Bluff and Nueces Bay ESTs is expected to begin in late-2020.


Elevated Water Storage Tank at Holly Road:

Construction Photo 1

Construction Photo 2

Construction Photo 3

Construction Photo 4


Elevated Water Storage Tank at Rand Morgan Road

Construction Photo 1