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The wastewater system serves a population of 324,074 within a 137 square mile area of the Corpus Christi city limits. Water used to remove waste comes from residential, commercial establishments and industries. This wastewater is collected and transported to treatment facilities through a system of pipes and pump stations, then treated to standards imposed by state and federal regulations. The resulting effluent is discharged to a receiving watercourse or reused for landscape irrigation.

The wastewater collection system consists of over 1,282 miles of gravity mains interwoven with approximately 100 lift stations. On average, 28 million gallons of wastewater are treated daily at six wastewater treatment plants.

City wastewater staff assume the responsibility to maintain, repair and rehabilitate every aspect of the wastewater collection system except for that portion on private property. On an annual basis, wastewater staff respond to approximately 17,000 customer service calls, install 780 clean outs and repair, replace or rehabilitate about 220 manholes and clean out 1.1 million feet of wastewater mains. One hundred sixty-eight trained professionals operate and maintain the collection system, pump stations and wastewater treatment plants.