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About US
The City of Corpus Christi is a federal entitlement community under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  The City of Corpus Christi receives this designation through the application; administration, execution and compliance of HUD funded programs through the City’s Grant Monitoring Division (previously the Housing and Community Development Department.)

The Grant Monitoring Division is the lead entity responsible for administering HUD funds for the following programs:  

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)


Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
The primary objective of the CDBG Program is to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities, principally for persons of low-and moderate-income levels.  Local programs include the Demolition/Replacement Program; Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Program; the Minor Home Repair Grant Program; oversight of Code Enforcement activities; and Facilities and infrastructure improvements.


HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program
The HOME Program provides federal funds for the development and rehabilitation of affordable rental and ownership housing for low and moderate-income households. Local programs include the Homebuyer Assistance Program (Closing Cost Assistance); Demolition/Replacement Program; and Gap Financing Assistance Program.  HCD also administers HOME funding for multi-family affordable housing projects that receive housing tax credits from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs; and non-profit programs such as down payment assistance and Tenant Based Rental Assistance.


Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
The ESG program provides funding to: Engage homeless individuals and families living on the street; Improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families; Help operate these shelters; Provide essential services to shelter residents; Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and coordinated entry programming.

HCD also receives local tax dollars administered by the Type A and Type B Corporations for affordable housing.  Currently, HCD administers the Type A Down Payment Assistance Program.

HCD is required to comply with all HUD rules and regulations including administration management and extensive submittal of program activities and financial reports including: the Five (5) Year Consolidated Action Plan (CAP) and Annual Action Plan (AAP), community development and economic development program services; Consolidation Action Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER); manages the goals and strategies of the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Plan; monitors the federally funded program for compliance; develops policies and procedures for implementation; fiscal management and reporting to HUD on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual  and annual basis including data entry into HUD’s database systems including-Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS); Sage HMIS Reporting Repository, HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS); and Web-Based Instructional System for Environmental Review (WISER).