First Step: Call 811
It’s the LAW!
And it’s Free!
Second Step: Wait 48 hours (excluding holidays and weekends) for the site to be marked.
Marking Examples Color Code for Marking Underground Utility Lines:
White - Proposed excavation
Pink - Temporary survey markings
Red - Electric power lines, cables, conduit and lighting cables
Yellow - Gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials
Orange - Communication, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduit
Blue - Potable water
Purple - Reclaimed water, irrigation and slurry lines
Green - Sewer and drain lines
Please be advised: Private gas lines not belonging to the City will not be marked. The owner will need to notify a plumber if those markings are needed.
Third Step: Respect the marks and dig with care.
Utility companies will mark the approximate location of their underground facilities near your work area with paint, flags, or stakes in the designated color code for marking underground utilities. See examples below:
Example 1
Example 2
Fourth Step: Reporting Suspicious Activity.
We need your help. The nation’s infrastructures, including pipelines, are a matter of national security. If you witness suspicious activity on a pipeline facility, as shown below, or right-of-ways, please report it to the appropriate authorities: 911 or Gas Dispatch (361) 885-6942, as soon as possible.
Fifth Step: What to do if a Pipeline is Damaged or Disturbed.
Even if you cause what appears to be only minor damage to the pipeline, immediately notify the pipeline company. A gouge, scrape, dent or crease to the pipe or coating may cause a future rupture or leak. It is imperative that the pipeline owner inspects and repairs any damage to the line facility. Texas laws require damages to be reported to the facility owner and/or the One-Call-Center by dialing 811. Do not attempt to make the repairs to the pipeline yourself. If a pipeline is ruptured or leaking, call 911. Contact the pipeline company as quickly as possible.
Most natural gas pipelines are buried underground and unmarked. Pipelines can be found in your front, back, and side easements. Service lines can be found in almost any location within your property. While markers help to ensure your safety and avoid damaging underground lines, not all lines are marked in your area. You must call the national one-call center (811) before digging to have lines located and marked.
For information about pipelines in your area, you may contact the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS). This database of pipeline operators and the location of their lines were designed for the public to have access to contact information for pipeline companies operating in your area.
Pipeline marker signs show the pipeline company’s name, emergency telephone number, and pipeline contents.
For more information, you can visit the following links: