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The City Secretary is appointed by the City Council. Duties include:

• Provides staff support to the City Council

• Attends every meeting of the City Council and keeps accurate minutes of the proceedings of the City Council

• Prepares and distributes City Council agenda and support material

• Oversees records management program for the City

• Maintains, safeguards, and records all documents approved by the City Council

• Performs research on records for public, City staff, and Council as requested

• Administers oaths of office

• Validates and certifies petitions

• Coordinates the appointment process to the City's boards and commissions

• Coordinates ethics financial report filing and complaints

• Accepts lawsuits and claims filed against the City

• Coordinates and updates City's municipal code of ordinances

• Accepts petitions and appeals filed by citizens

• Serves as the elections administrator for all City elections

• Serves as liaison between the public and the Council

• Authorizes government access channel use

• Coordinates televising of City Council meetings

• Keeps the official seal of the City

• Coordinates all amendments to the City Charter

• Performs other duties as may be required by the City Council, City Charter, or State Law