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The Unified Development Code (UDC), which became effective July 1, 2011, is a comprehensive document designed to consolidate the City's former Zoning Ordinance, Platting Ordinance, and other developmental regulations.

The purpose of the UDC is based on three principles:

  1. A one-book resource for all regulations pertaining to development.
  2. The UDC is written in easy to understand, everyday language.
  3. The UDC is organized to promote flow, consistency, and the ability to find information easily.

View the UDC »

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UDC Amendments Adopted by Council


January 9, 2018, Ordinance 031332

  • Revises the duration of the materials and workmanship warranty for streets from one to two years from the date of final (100%) acceptance.


August 28, 2018 Ordinance 031521

  • Amends sign code to ensure language is content neutral.


September 18, 2018 Ordinance 031539

  • Removes floodplain development regulations from the Unified Development Code.


September 18, 2018, Ordinance 031540

  • Eliminates 5.5% interest per annum related to trust fund refunds, amends minor plat definition, and excepts land owned by the State of Texas and administered by the General Land Office from platting.



  • Adds a non-voting ex-officio representative of the U.S. Navy to the Planning Commission membership.
  • Adds a new permitted use, “Community Home” use, by right in residential zoning districts subject to specific standards.
  • Corrects description of townhouse development standards (lot width and area)
  • Eliminates the storage building height limitation in the CR Resort Commercial District and limits height of lights.
  • Corrects typo regarding landscaping tree/palm requirements.



February –Defined terms: developer, new construction, temporary use, contractor, and promotional event; clarification on industrial/modular and manufactured housing; setbacks for wireless communication facilities and setbacks in the RS-15 & RS-10 districts; clarification to sign regulations; street dedication as right-of-way easements; updates to street standards tables.

May –Game processing; animal and human crematoriums eligibility; minor plat; cemeteries; major utilities use; townhouse and apartment descriptions; gas station canopies occupying required yards; utility easements; outside storage screening; and other miscellaneous updates.

August–District development standards for industrial district; restaurant uses expanded; alleys and garages addressed; buffer yards for development and redevelopment; utilization of non-conforming lots; and staff recommendation specified.

  • Setback requirements reduced for industrial zoning districts;
  • Restaurant uses allowed in industrial zoning districts;
  • Setbacks for alleys and garages addressed;
  • Buffer yards exceptions for development and redevelopment for public/civic uses;
  • Utilization of non-conforming lots; and
  • Staff recommendation not required for ZBA cases.



January –Improving City’s ability to enforce zoning regulations related to bar, taverns, or pubs; and removing “bar” from the list of accessory uses for a restaurant.

March – Increasing the allowed square footage of individual units in a self-storage facility (mini-storage facility) from 400 to 500 square feet.


April – Increasing time limit for Council action on rezonings and historic designations

May – Regarding infrastructure improvements for plat recordation prior to final acceptance and at final acceptance.

December –Clarifying the transfer of monies between trust funds


January – Dedication of Public Open Space

March – Public notice; ¾ vote by Council; special permits; building permit expiration; administrative adjustments; setbacks in two-family, townhouse, and multifamily zoning districts; heavy vehicle service; location of detached accessory structures; banners; and institutional signs

March – Deferment Agreements: Administrative approval of deferment agreements

March – Street design standards and compliance and 30-year life level of service

April - Model Subdivision Rules for subdivisions in the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

May - Signs installed by a transit company

August - Sidewalk Cafes

August - Creation of the “RS-22” Single-Family 22 District for half-acre lots

October - Restaurant floor area limitations in Neighborhood Commercial and Office zoning districts.

December - Infrastructure design requirements


February – Definitions; public notice; 1:2 setback based on height; corner lot side yards; water-oriented lots; single-family setbacks; “RM-AT” setbacks; townhouse illustration; retail uses in industrial zoning districts; excluding chickens from animal pen requirements;  aboveground fuel storage setback; garage setback; tandem parking; institutional signs; cul-de-sacs; dead end water mains; and payment of fees to Trust Fund.

July – “RM-AT” permitted uses, density, yards, and height; parking ratio for “big box” stores

December – Creation of Compatible Zoning Districts (“CC” and “IC” Districts)


July – Conversion of zoning district names; “dwelling” definition; Landmark Commission vote requirement; parking ratio for Indoor Recreation; Urban Transportation Plan design criteria manual; and street section design.


UDC Sustainability Ordinances

Sec. 6.6 Development Concept & Special  Overlay Zoning Districts »

Sec. 6.7  Clustered Development Overlay District »

Sec. 6.8  Mixed-Use Overlay District »

Sec. 6.11 Uptown-Downtown MUS District Ordinance »

Sec. 6.12 Target Area Special Overlay District »

Sec. 6.13 Streetscape Zone Standards »

Sec. 6.14 Alternative Housing Option Standards »

Sec. 7.11 Neighborhood Mixed Use Standards »

Sec. 7.12 Adaptive Reuse Ordinance »



Public Input

Your comments are important to us!

Public participation is vital in the adoption of new codes. Please feel free to suggest amendments by contacting the Zoning Division at (361) 826-3240.