ADA Assistance and Place of Public Accommodations
Persons with disabilities, who require additional assistance or a reasonable accommodation request regarding City services, programs, activities, and facilities, can contact the City at least 48 hours in advance for assistance by calling (361) 826-3124.
Animal Rescue and Stray Animals
Injured animals are a high priority response for Animal Control Officers.
CCACS Open Records Request
As a member of the general public, you have the right to access certain Animal Care Services records by making a request under the Texas Public Information Act.
Citizen Accessibility Grievance Form
If you have a disability and you believe you were a victim of discrimination, fill out the Citizen Accessibility Grievance Form to let us know about your experience.
Commercial/Industrial Effluent Distribution
Corpus Christi Water has made Type II effluent reuse water available to bulk customers for non-potable purposes like construction or irrigation for a low monthly subscription cost. View the application here.
Coyote Information
Animal Care Services receives many calls regarding public safety. While we know that there is great concern about wildlife attacking people, the risk is very low.