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Prepare for Stage 3 Drought Status. Learn more at

What to expect:

• Jurors are required to report to the jury room on the 2nd floor of Municipal Court at the time specified on the jury summons.

• Electronic devices, including laptops, tablets, cellular telephones and reading materials may be used in the jury room while waiting to appear in Court. These devices may NOT be used during deliberations.

• While in the courtroom, ALL devices must be on silent or turned off.

• Taking pictures, video or audio taping is prohibited during your service as a juror.

• Reading materials may be brought on date of jury duty, however reading is NOT permitted in the courtroom.

• The following items are prohibited in Corpus Christi Municipal Court and should be left in your vehicle:

 ♦ Guns

 ♦ Knives

 ♦ Mace

 ♦ Scissors or sharp tools

 ♦ Glass objects or containers

Concealed Handgun and Open Carry Laws:

Pursuant to Texas Penal Code Section 46.03 (a)(3), all firearms, including handguns carried by a person with a valid license to carry, are prohibited in Corpus Christi Municipal Court.

About the Jury Selection Process:

Prospective jurors are summoned randomly from a list of voters and driver registrations in Nueces County. When you are called to Court the judge will discuss juror qualifications and exemptions. Jurors that do not qualify or are exempt will be released from jury duty. The remaining jurors will participate in voir dire. Voir dire is the process by which our jury is selected. During voir dire prospective jurors are asked questions by both the prosecutor and the defense. The prosecutor and the defense may then each strike 3 prospective jurors. The first six prospective jurors remaining after this process is over will be sworn in and are the jurors that will serve for that trial. Jury trials do not typically last longer than 1 day.

Free Parking: is located in the parking lot on the corner of Chaparral and Coopers alley.

*To request a jury excuse or to reschedule your jury summons date, you may email courtroom services at