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Q: What is “single-stream recycling”?

A: Single-stream recycling is a system in which all recyclables are placed in a single bin or cart for recycling. The recyclables are then sorted when they arrive at the recycling center. Single-stream is beneficial for residents because they do not have to separate their recyclables and they can place more recyclables out for curbside pickup. Single-stream recycling is also more cost effective.

Q: If I shred documents with sensitive information can I recycle the shredded paper? Do these items need to be placed in a particular kind of bag?

A: Yes, shredded paper can be recycled. As long as it is not wax lined and does not have food waste on it. It needs to be placed in a plastic garbage bag.

Q: Do I have to clean my recyclables?

A. All liquids should be emptied before placing the container in the cart. If the item is merely damp, it will not contaminate the recyclables. As always, no items with food contamination should be put in the cart.

Q: What if I live in an apartment complex in Corpus Christi and they do not offer recycling options?

A.Those who live in apartment complexes can take their materials to the city recycling centers which include the J.C. Elliott Transfer Station at 6594 Greenwood Drive or Republic Services at 4414 Agnes Street.

Q: Why can’t plastic grocery bags be recycled?

A:  Although plastic grocery bags were initially accepted, our recycling company, Republic Services, has stopped accepting them for two reasons:

First, the bags get dirty in the carts and it has been determined the best way to keep them clean for recycling is to separate them from the other items. Stores like H.E.B. and Walmart have set up special receptacles where customers can drop off their plastic grocery bags for recycling.

Second, plastic grocery bags get caught in the machinery at the recycling center. This results in shutdowns that cost time and money.

Q: Does the blue cart belong to me?

A. The blue cart is the property of the City of Corpus Christi. It is linked to your specific
street address.

Q: My recycling normally overflows. Will I be able to obtain an additional blue cart?

A: Yes, you can obtain an additional blue cart by contacting Solid Waste Services at 826-CITY (2489). There is no additional charge for the bin itself, but there is a one-time $10 delivery fee.

Q: Why is it important to follow recycling guidelines?

A: It is important to remember that your recycled materials will be used to make new products. Quality matters and following guidelines will result in less sorting and contamination at the drop-off center. The money saved from more efficient operation can be reinvested into the community to improve recycling.