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Through the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides annual allocations to the City of Corpus Christi.  HUD provides national allocations of Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) funds in amounts determined by a formula using six community-based factors.

The ESG program provides homeless persons with basic shelter and essential supportive services. It can assist with the operational costs of the shelter facility, and for the administration of the grant. ESG also provides short-term homeless prevention assistance to persons at imminent risk of losing their own housing due to eviction, foreclosure, or utility shutoffs.


Primary Goals

  • To improve and enhance the quality of life for homeless individuals and their families
  • To assist homeless individuals and their families reach the ultimate goal of a decent home and suitable living environment (rental or home ownership)


Eligible Activities

  • Renovation, major rehabilitation, or conversion of buildings
  • Provisions of Essential Services and Homeless Prevention (neither category may exceed 30 percent of total ESG fiscal year grant allocation)
  • Payment of maintenance, operation, and food services as an operating expense

Each recipient of ESG funds must provide a dollar-for-dollar match.  Examples of matching funds include the value of donated material and volunteer hours based on $5 per hour.

Information on Current Funding Opportunities »